do something amazing!

"The best part of the day is about to begin.

The part when you and me become we."

~ Winnie the Pooh

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Few Things!

1) Thank you so much for those of you who donated canned goods to the food drive. Our class did NOT win 1st place. Apparently Mr. Capps yet again dominated this competition. One of these days perhaps he will get beat. We did manage to collect 342 items for needy families in the area and that is what is most important. Thank you to all who were able to donate during the holiday season. I'm so sorry about the constant nagging with your children - it was for two great causes so thank you for your support. :)

2) It is IRI testing time and our class will test tomorrow - Wednesday, January 11th. Some of my students already tested today because they were done with the other class earlier than expected. Please make sure your child gets a good nights rest tonight as well as a good breakfast in the morning to make sure that they are alert and aware enough to do their best!

3) Our spelling list is the same as last weeks in case you were wondering. We combined stories due to a short week last week.

4) We are in need of more snacks for the classroom. The kids have been eating animal crackers and graham crackers for the last two weeks and we are running low.

5) Please continue to read the decodables with your child each night until they've read them three times each. I know this is a daunting process but it really helps in their sight word recognition skills. It also helps them practice their fluency.

I hope you all are having a great start to your new year! I look forward to the next few months and seeing how my students are going to grow and change. They have already amazed me in more ways than one!

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