do something amazing!

"The best part of the day is about to begin.

The part when you and me become we."

~ Winnie the Pooh

Saturday, March 10, 2012


I love the end of February because that means I can set some curriculum aside for a few days and concentrate on science in the late afternoon. I LOVE it! The kids LOVE it! and we have so much fun experimenting.

This year we did a variety of experiments: We did a Yummy Gummy Bear Lab, build structures out of toothpicks and gumdrops, exploded a bottle of diet soda with mentos, mad lava lamps, made and flew loopy flyers and the kids had to bring in shadow boxes of an animal that uses camouflage in the wild. They turned out great! Here are a few pictures from our fun Science week!

Polar Bear Shadow Box

Butterfly shadow box

Appaloosa horse shadow box

cheetah shadow box - complete with cheetah sounds as well!

Yummy Gummy Bear Lab - what happens to a gummy bear when you put it in salt water, plain water and no water? We found out!

someone's desk all set up for science fair

class ready for science fair goer's - and luckily we only had two gummy bears disappear within the two hour period that people were coming through. Apparently they were just too enticing for a very hungry two year old :)

busily working on their gumdrop structures!

made our own lava lamp - who knew water, oil, food coloring and alka seltzer could make such a fun reaction!

they are flying their loopy flyers - at me of course!

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