do something amazing!

"The best part of the day is about to begin.

The part when you and me become we."

~ Winnie the Pooh

Thursday, May 30, 2013

That's a wrap!!!

So - another year down! 12 to be exact - where did the time go? I remember my first year in Melba - teaching special education and preschool - it was 2001 and I was fresh out of college and ready to change the world. The next year I was lucky enough to teach 3rd grade and then the next year I taught 4th and that is where I stayed for the next 6 years. Then in 2008 my son Rhett was born and with him was an extreme desire to stay at home but financially it was not possible. So - I took a part-time kindergarten position and taught kinder for two years. I LOVED the part-time gig! Then, went back full time and taught 2nd grade for two years.

Ahhhh - NOW I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and embarking on a new adventure. I get to stay at home next year and just be a mom. My son has one more year before kindergarten and since we have concluded that he will be our last child I was overcome with extreme sadness that I would miss the opportunity to be at home full-time with him while he was young. And this was my last chance, so I took it. I know that in ten years I will look back on this decision and NEVER regret it. However, the decision was a difficult one - and some of my friends don't quite understand why. Why didn't I jump at the opportunity? Why didn't I throw up my hands a long time ago and choose to stay home?

The answer:

#1 - I LOVE teaching! I never woke up and dreaded going to school. I was always excited to spend my day with my class.

#2 - I LOVE Melba! I grew up in Grangeville and wanted my children to grow up in a rural school district.

#3 - My son was able to spend time with my mom while I worked. They formed a bond that I know would not have been able to be formed if I was at home and for that I will be forever grateful.

#4 - I LOVE the people that I work with. My job is made so much easier because of the fantastic staff at my school. These people are my other "home" and I can count on them for a shoulder to cry on, a prayer, a word of encouragement and a laugh when I need it most. Some of my best friends are out there and it will be very difficult to not have an active role in the educational community.

#5 - I've worked ever since high school and the thought of not having a job makes me uncomfortable.

#6 - The amount of money I got paid!!! :) - just kidding! According to a recent study Idaho teachers are number 50 on the list of States who have the lowest teacher salaries. So, you are telling me that 49 states have higher teacher salaries than Idaho? YEP!!!! And don't pull the "the cost of living in Idaho is so much lower than in other states" crap - I may just punch you in the throat! :)

Among many other little reasons the decision to stay at home was an extremely difficult one. But - I need to invest in my children, be a mom, take a few classes to further my education, take a year to reflect and relax and READ!!!!

My daughter Addison will be in third grade next year and I've chosen to keep her in Melba. She is familiar with the students and the teachers and she is comfortable there. I will get the opportunity to work in the classroom and maybe be her art mom. I'm super excited for that! I will also get the opportunity to check up on my former students.

And then - - - - -

With my fingers crossed - I will be back in Melba teaching again the following year. I was not promised anything or guaranteed a position the following year, but, I have hope that a position will become available - a position that I would be well-suited for. I am well aware of the risk - but the benefits of staying at home for a year well out-weighed the risk.

I will miss teaching! But I am excited for this new adventure!

Have a great summer~~~~~~~~~~~...

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