do something amazing!

"The best part of the day is about to begin.

The part when you and me become we."

~ Winnie the Pooh

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

It has begun . . . .

Another first day of school, another year under way! Today 21 new students came walking through my doors expecting me to teach them for the next nine months. It intimidates me every year, and some how I make it - it's really amazing if I think about it! Lucky for me I already knew about half of them, having previously taught them in kindergarten and I feel SOOOO priveledged to have them again, it's like a little piece of home came back through my doors - the comfort it brings to me is overwhelming because I already love them - what a way to start! Throughout the course of a school year my students become extremely special to me and looking at all of the smiling faces this morning makes me excited to begin my journey in their lives.

Today we talked about rules, rules, rules. We colored, we laughed, we learned and we listened - I say that's a pretty good start.

Let the new year begin!!!!!

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