do something amazing!

"The best part of the day is about to begin.

The part when you and me become we."

~ Winnie the Pooh

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A day late - but .... Merry Christmas!

First of all - Merry Christmas! My Christmas was amazing and special and I feel so blessed. As I reflected yesterday morning about my life and my many blessings I thought of your precious children. And in the wake of what happened in Connecticut I couldn't help but feel a special bond with your kiddos - and I miss them! They bring me so much joy! And I hope you know that I would gladly take a bullet for any one of them, any time, any day! I pray that never happens but know that my priority is always to protect your children.

On a different note:

My aspirations for this blog are always at it's peak in early August and on into early September. I stay on top of it and enjoy writing and posting about our classroom adventures. THEN.... comes the holiday season. Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas and my time and energy finds it's way into other things and other places and I lose track of the purpose of this blog. So sorry!!!

At this point in the year, after Christmas I find that I look forward to starting fresh. I'm looking forward to January and the push until Spring Break. This time of the year is always the KEY to unlocking our students potential. And I look forward to it.

I hope you are enjoying your break with your children. I eagerly await their smiling faces on January 2nd.

Please remember during this break from school that the most important thing to do with them is to read with them or have them read to you or a family member. I know it can be a challenge and as a parent of a 2nd grader I am fully aware of the strains on families during the holidays. I just ask that you do what you can, when you can! And inspire them daily! They are worth it!

And coming in the new year:

More amazing author studies: Beverly Cleary, Roald Dahl ( my fav), and Kate D' Camillo

Science Fair - LOVE this! We get to do a lot of fun science experiments

New Reading Unit called "Look Again" and we discover the world of animal camouflage - so much fun!

Learning to use "Bridge to 10" strategy to learn math facts.

In the meantime I will recap and add a few more posts - Enjoy your holiday break!

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