do something amazing!

"The best part of the day is about to begin.

The part when you and me become we."

~ Winnie the Pooh

Friday, December 16, 2011

It's On!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have a fierce competition between my class, Mrs. Ross's first grade class and Mr. Capps 6th grade class (who always wins!) to bring in the most canned or dried food items. Our goal is to bring 500 items and so far we've collected 207 from our class - WAY TO GO!!!!!!!! This is the last week to bring in the food items so please make sure that you donate by Wednesday. We are currently in 2nd place behind Mrs. Ross's class and would LOVE to win the first place price - which is a root beer float party for the class. We also have been discussing how the food is going to help people this Christmas who can't afford many things - a worthy cause to say the least! I hope you all raid your pantries this weekend, or your grandmas pantries or your aunt and uncles pantries and give what you can!

Thanks so much for those who have already donated a lot - you are appreciated!

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