do something amazing!

"The best part of the day is about to begin.

The part when you and me become we."

~ Winnie the Pooh

Thursday, October 18, 2012

A few things for the few that read this ........

Let's Explore:

We have begun a new reading unit called "Let's Explore". During this unit our class will be learning about different aspects of nature. Please feel free to let your child bring in as many artifacts of nature as they can. We already have an assortment of rocks, leaves, pill bugs, a black bettle as well as a dead tarantula.


Next week is Red Ribbon Week so don't forget to adorn your kiddos in their coziest jammies for Monday. And the rest of the week is as follows:

Tuesday: wear lots of red
Wednesday: dress as a superhero
Thursday: crazy hair day


We need your food items for a food drive we are participating in. And we only have 1 week to collect so dust off your cans and send them to school. The winning class will have a root beer float party!

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