do something amazing!

"The best part of the day is about to begin.

The part when you and me become we."

~ Winnie the Pooh

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Shananigans

I love the Christmas season and celebrating with my students is one of my favorite things to do. So - here is a little of what we did during the month of December.
I decorated our reading corner - Dr. Seuss style. The tree has white lights, icicles and snowflakes on it.
We wrote letters to Santa and walked to Santa's mailbox to deliver it.

Apparently, Mel was on the naughty list therefore wasn't too excited about delivering her letter to Santa. :) I love that I teach in a small enough town that I can take the kids for a walk around town.

We discussed Christmas around the world and had crafts for them to do each day. This craft is from England. Paper lanterns that children place in their windows so St. Nicholas knows where to drop off the presents.

 We read "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and the Grinch brought them green candy canes.

We also did an adjective activity in which the students chose a bunch of different adjectives to describe the Grinch.

This was a legend of the Spider that came from Germany. So we make sparkly web trees.

Our art mom came and make a hand wreath with the kids.

We made trees and on each circle they wrote a different way to say Merry Christmas in a different language. We made circles for Italian, English, Spanish, German and French

This was one of our gifts for their parents. Magnetic bookmarks. Very simple and easy to make.

This was another gift that we made. pinecone owls and clip onto the tree branch. They turned out super cute!

This was one of my gifts to them: white tic-tacs (snowman poop) They got a kick out of them!
The poem read:
I've heard you've been naughty
so here's the scoop
All you get for
snowman poop!

And the Classroom Christmas party was a hit. We had donuts from Dan's Ferry Service (Thee best), and opened our gifts from our secret Santa's. It was a great way to celebrate together!

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I also LOVE my bookmark! Thank you so much for making the Christmas season so fun!
