do something amazing!

"The best part of the day is about to begin.

The part when you and me become we."

~ Winnie the Pooh

Friday, December 28, 2012

Success Maker

So - at the end of the day (the last 45 min.) my students march to the elementary computer lab (hurray that we have one) and spend some time learning things at their level. The computer program called Success Maker enables the students to learn at their pace and at their academic level - which is amazing because no teacher can adequately do that when they are trying to teach ALL students at the same time. My students seem to enjoy it and they spend a little bit of time in Math and a little bit of time in Reading each day. Their progress is monitored and I am able to go in and see how they are doing at any given time. As a teacher I love that kind of data at my fingertips.

I'm sure you've heard your students talk about SuccessMaker. Here are a few photos of our escapades in the computer lab and what your children are doing.

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