do something amazing!

"The best part of the day is about to begin.

The part when you and me become we."

~ Winnie the Pooh

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Red Ribbon Week

This past week was a whirlwind of activity and late nights. I was busy planning parent/teacher conferences as well as making sure I did all of the necessary activities involved in red ribbon week and also trying to think about planning ahead for November which is only a few short days away - AHHHH!!! Where has the time gone!

Red ribbon week was a ton of fun and I wish I would have taken more pictures but again - that takes time - and me actually remembering to do it. I did get a few though and we had a great week of assemblies, prizes, door decorations, dress-up days, poster contests and the book fair - whew!

I also would like to thank all of the parents for great conferences! I feel so blessed to work with such amazing children! They are the reason that I come to work every day and I LOVE it! At this point in the year I am beginning to understand how each child works, how they learn best, what they can and can't handle, etc. and now that I think I have a firm grip on this group of kids I can get my game face on and teach them properly! I enjoyed talking with each of you and look forward to the rest of this schoolyear.

So - apparently I only took 1 picture - on pajama day! We all felt so comfortable we had our reading lesson in the reading corner snuggling teddy bears and learning about ants!

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