do something amazing!

"The best part of the day is about to begin.

The part when you and me become we."

~ Winnie the Pooh

Friday, November 4, 2011


Oh Halloween - teacher's most favorite day :) Actually, I really don't mind it - I have always loved fun and parties. The only thing that ever presents a challenge is managing the classroom on a day like Halloween. Luckily, I have 10 years of practice under my belt so I have a few tricks up my sleeve - However, every year is still a challenge and I leave the classroom after they've all gone home with a big sigh of relief.

This year I decided to dress up a little darker than I ever have. I've always wanted to be the bride of Frankenstein so that they could call me Mrs. Franklinstein all day. So - after years of wanting to do it - I actually did - and it was fun - and I enjoyed it - and so did my class. I greeted them in the morning with the lights off and the rule that they had to call me Mrs. Franklinstein for the day. I even changed my school ID card to say Mrs. Franklinstein with my picture being a copy of the real bride of Frankenstein.

The costumes that the kids wore were great - they all did such a great job at getting ready themselves. I was impressed (probably because the last two years I had to prepare a bunch of kindergarteners and that was fairly comical). We had our little parade around the school and then came back and had a fun Halloween party put on by our room mom. It was great!

I wish I could have gotten a lot of fun pictures on this day but unfortunately my husband is gone and he took my camera. Luckily, Mrs. Forsgren came and saved the day and took a group picture of all of us.
And YES - only 18 kids - Wahoooooo!!!!! So thankful!

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