do something amazing!

"The best part of the day is about to begin.

The part when you and me become we."

~ Winnie the Pooh

Sunday, September 23, 2012


So - we have a new fish! His name is Jaws - he has proved to be a bit more resilient than Goldie. Thank goodness!

And - - -  - I'm contemplating a new addition to our classroom in the form of a new pet. I'm really doing my research - and really thinking hard about it! I had a rabbit a few years ago - Hershey - who lived in my classroom and my students LOVED it! However, it stunk, was noisy and difficult to take care of in a classroom setting. And trying to catch him when he needed to go back into his cage was quite a commical sight - I remember fits of laughter (by myself) watching my 4th graders chase him down. 15 min. and a few scratches later we were able to move forward with our lessons.

The classroom pet that I am thinking about is also one that is a bit expensive to buy - and rare! So - now is just a matter of pleading with the husband about the money :) We'll see what happens!

If you have any good suggestions for a classroom pet I am all ears!!!

1 comment:

  1. I only do pets that live outside...horses, good luck and I'm sure the kids will love it!
