do something amazing!

"The best part of the day is about to begin.

The part when you and me become we."

~ Winnie the Pooh

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

R.I.P. Goldie

A few short days after school began I came to school after the weekend only to find Goldie (our goldfish) swimming upside down. :( As hard as it was to lose our classroom pet the first few days of school I was equally bummed that I had to drive into town to get another one - because that is what is expected of me that's why! So, after a trip to PetCo we now have a new fish and the class has lovingly named him "Jaws". He even has a little sign in his tank that says, "Beware of Jaws" so the name was quite fitting. My fingers are crossed that he will remain in tact for the remainder of the school year. Cheers to good health Jaws!

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