do something amazing!

"The best part of the day is about to begin.

The part when you and me become we."

~ Winnie the Pooh

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Shananigans

I love the Christmas season and celebrating with my students is one of my favorite things to do. So - here is a little of what we did during the month of December.
I decorated our reading corner - Dr. Seuss style. The tree has white lights, icicles and snowflakes on it.
We wrote letters to Santa and walked to Santa's mailbox to deliver it.

Apparently, Mel was on the naughty list therefore wasn't too excited about delivering her letter to Santa. :) I love that I teach in a small enough town that I can take the kids for a walk around town.

We discussed Christmas around the world and had crafts for them to do each day. This craft is from England. Paper lanterns that children place in their windows so St. Nicholas knows where to drop off the presents.

 We read "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and the Grinch brought them green candy canes.

We also did an adjective activity in which the students chose a bunch of different adjectives to describe the Grinch.

This was a legend of the Spider that came from Germany. So we make sparkly web trees.

Our art mom came and make a hand wreath with the kids.

We made trees and on each circle they wrote a different way to say Merry Christmas in a different language. We made circles for Italian, English, Spanish, German and French

This was one of our gifts for their parents. Magnetic bookmarks. Very simple and easy to make.

This was another gift that we made. pinecone owls and clip onto the tree branch. They turned out super cute!

This was one of my gifts to them: white tic-tacs (snowman poop) They got a kick out of them!
The poem read:
I've heard you've been naughty
so here's the scoop
All you get for
snowman poop!

And the Classroom Christmas party was a hit. We had donuts from Dan's Ferry Service (Thee best), and opened our gifts from our secret Santa's. It was a great way to celebrate together!

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Success Maker

So - at the end of the day (the last 45 min.) my students march to the elementary computer lab (hurray that we have one) and spend some time learning things at their level. The computer program called Success Maker enables the students to learn at their pace and at their academic level - which is amazing because no teacher can adequately do that when they are trying to teach ALL students at the same time. My students seem to enjoy it and they spend a little bit of time in Math and a little bit of time in Reading each day. Their progress is monitored and I am able to go in and see how they are doing at any given time. As a teacher I love that kind of data at my fingertips.

I'm sure you've heard your students talk about SuccessMaker. Here are a few photos of our escapades in the computer lab and what your children are doing.

Thursday, December 27, 2012


One of the fun aspects of this new math program is the activities that they have us do with our students. We were learning about polygons and the program suggested that we let them make some polygons on their own. They had a lot of fun making their polygons and I was able to get some pictures. Now - every time I get the camera out I have about half of my class follow me around wanting their picture taken - so that is why so many pictures exist about this particular math lesson. :) And I can't help myself because I have the cutest kids in my class!!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A day late - but .... Merry Christmas!

First of all - Merry Christmas! My Christmas was amazing and special and I feel so blessed. As I reflected yesterday morning about my life and my many blessings I thought of your precious children. And in the wake of what happened in Connecticut I couldn't help but feel a special bond with your kiddos - and I miss them! They bring me so much joy! And I hope you know that I would gladly take a bullet for any one of them, any time, any day! I pray that never happens but know that my priority is always to protect your children.

On a different note:

My aspirations for this blog are always at it's peak in early August and on into early September. I stay on top of it and enjoy writing and posting about our classroom adventures. THEN.... comes the holiday season. Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas and my time and energy finds it's way into other things and other places and I lose track of the purpose of this blog. So sorry!!!

At this point in the year, after Christmas I find that I look forward to starting fresh. I'm looking forward to January and the push until Spring Break. This time of the year is always the KEY to unlocking our students potential. And I look forward to it.

I hope you are enjoying your break with your children. I eagerly await their smiling faces on January 2nd.

Please remember during this break from school that the most important thing to do with them is to read with them or have them read to you or a family member. I know it can be a challenge and as a parent of a 2nd grader I am fully aware of the strains on families during the holidays. I just ask that you do what you can, when you can! And inspire them daily! They are worth it!

And coming in the new year:

More amazing author studies: Beverly Cleary, Roald Dahl ( my fav), and Kate D' Camillo

Science Fair - LOVE this! We get to do a lot of fun science experiments

New Reading Unit called "Look Again" and we discover the world of animal camouflage - so much fun!

Learning to use "Bridge to 10" strategy to learn math facts.

In the meantime I will recap and add a few more posts - Enjoy your holiday break!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Each year as I reflect on what I'm thankful for I always think of my students. They are and have always been a blessing to me, no matter how hard the year may seem to be. I grow to love them individually and grieve deeply when they leave my classroom in May.

Each of them holds a very special place in my heart for different reasons. I want to take a moment and describe to you how they have blessed me.

Sidenote: I like to give my students nicknames, most of them are naturally given because of the nature of their name, others morph from personalities or personal requests. I make sure that I stress to them that I give them nicknames because I care for them and want them to feel special. But at any time they need to make sure they tell me if they do not like their nicknames. AND I also make sure that the rest of my students know that they are not allowed to call them these nicknames unless they have permission from the student.

I’m Thankful for . . . .

Connor (dimples) – what a sweet boy!!! I was privileged to be his kindergarten teacher and I’m so happy to be able to spend some more time with him in 2nd grade. He brightens my day with his smile. He looks just like my son and so I call him Rhett’s twin sometimes. It’s our little joke! His voice only knows one sound – loud! All I have to do is give him “the look” and he knows to knock the noise level a few notches. He works hard and is a great friend to others, so thankful for him!

Cache (Danny boy) – This young man is a treasure. He makes sure he says something to me each morning, loves to try and scare me (hasn’t worked yet J) and is very competitive. He is always involved in some sporting activity at recess – I just hope he remembers his teacher when he is playing in the NFL (maybe I could score some free tickets or something). I love his honesty – he would rather be working with his dad then at school but I’m so thankful that he still comes and works hard. He is eager to please and help when I need it. Great kid! So thankful for him!

Tyler (Ty) – He cracks me up!!! His quirkiness is unmeasured and I never know what to expect of him each day. Whether it’s a random dance move while he’s making his way back to his desk, stripping his shirt off (completely off) after recess and running back outside (without a shirt) in the rain because he was embarrassed or a crazy stretch or strange comment in the middle of a lesson – he always keeps me smiling (or laughing). I love how he gets my humor and I can be completely sarcastic with him and he just smiles. His laugh makes me laugh. He is a joy and I’m so glad he is in my class this year – I’m thankful for him!

Tiffany (Tiff) – such a quiet, calm spirited girl! She puts me at ease each day with her relaxed demeanor. I can ALWAYS count on her to behave, help ANYONE without complaining, listen attentively and do her best. She is a model student and her adorable smile will light up any room. Having conversations with her is so enjoyable, she will just quietly talk and she delights in the cutest things. I’m so grateful that she is in my class this year. I’m thankful for her!

Cody (Codeman) – Ummmm….. He is quite a character. This kid is so funny – on purpose. He is sarcastic and crazy and I LOVE it! He makes me and everyone else laugh daily. He is extremely blunt and will tell you exactly how he is feeling.  I also love that even though he is funny he is also responsible and respectful and works hard in class. Our class would be rather dull if Cody were not in it. He is a bright spot in my life each day. Thank you Cody for making me your 2nd best J  - I’m so thankful for him!

Caitlyn (Blondie) – This sweet girl came to school a little late but am so thankful that she was placed in my classroom. She is truly a joy! She gets along well with everyone and never hesitates to give me hugs. She knows one speed and that is fast. She accomplishes her tasks way before everyone else but no because she is competitive, she is just – fast! She is kind and behaves in class. I enjoy her sweet spirit and her cute smile. I’m so thankful for her!

Brandon (Cowboy/Bran) – This kid is so much fun! He always comes to school with a smile and makes sure he talks to me as he enters the classroom. He is never afraid to give me a hug. He randomly says things that make no sense but are so funny! He tries to sneak into my classroom 007 style but I always catch him in the act. He makes me laugh every day. I have a difficult time getting him into trouble because of his smile – it’s constant! He is a very fun kid! I LOVE having him in my classroom. I’m thankful for him.

Courtney E. (Court) – This sweet girl with the gorgeous eyes is a bright spot to my day. She is my quiet, calm daydreamer of a girl who also has a very fun social side to her. Sometimes she will come up to me and ask me what she is supposed to be doing – I have to giggle inside because I think I was just like that as a child(zoning out during direction time), but I didn’t have the guts to ask the teacher what to do, so she’s more bold than I was J.  She works hard, helps others is kind and respectful and a great friend to everyone. I’m so thankful that I was able to be her teacher this year. I’m thankful for her!

Jaxen (Jax) – This kind boy is such a great helper!!!! I’m so grateful to have someone like him in class because he always catches things that I haven’t done and politely asks if he can help me complete them. I really don’t know what I would do without him (forget a lot of my duties– that’s what!) He is one of those kids that you know without a doubt will have a great future! He is kind, polite, honest, trustworthy, loyal, hard-working and intelligent. Words can’t express how grateful I am that he was placed in my classroom. I’m thankful for him!

Kate (Kate the Great) – This sweet giggle girl was also one of my former kindergarteners. She is so sweet and her smile is contagious. She is always well behaved and a friend to everyone. Her giggle is so cute and I can’t help but laugh when I hear it. She enjoys chatting and loves telling me all about her life. She is learning to play the fiddle and I can’t wait to hear her play it. I’m so thankful for her!

Melina (Mel) – Another one of my former kindergarteners. She holds a special place in my heart. She is my shadow, probably my #1 fan – and who doesn’t like that? She smiles constantly (except when she can’t do something quite right) and laughs at everything and everyone. Her silliness brightens my day and I’m so grateful that I get to be her teacher again. She is kind and respectful and is a very strict rule-follower. I’m thankful for her!

Courtney J. (CJ) -  This sweet girl is always eager to please. She ALWAYS makes sure that she tells me when she’s done her best and when she has behaved in other classes. She is very hard on herself and likes things to be just right. When she grasps a concept it brings joy to my heart. She is a great addition to this classroom. I’m thankful for her!

MaKinzie (Mak) – This girl is just a sweetheart! She is also a former kindergartener of mine and works really hard every day. She listens attentively and is kind and generous to others. I can always count on her to help out. I love that she does not get upset when she doesn’t get her way. She graciously deals with it and moves on – what a great quality to have J I’m thankful for her!

Hannah – (Hannah Banana) – This girl makes me smile. She is kind, matter of fact, my social butterfly. She would talk to me all day long if I would let her. She is very good at speaking in front of the class and doesn’t shy away or act nervous. Sometimes I want to go with her to the places she visits in her mind during class. I’m sure it’s a lot more interesting than 4+4!!!!! She is always good to come right back to us though, as I giggle inside – I’m thankful for her!

Lucas (Big L)– This boy amazes me! He works super hard (when he wants to J) and is very bright. Learning how to read was difficult for him but he persevered and is getting to be not just a good reader but a great one – way to go buddy! I’m so proud of this kid! AND if any of the NFL teams are looking for an exceptional kicker I know of one and he’s in my 2nd grade class. This kid can really kick a football! I’m so glad I get to be his teacher again – I’m thankful for him.

Grant (G) – He is my giggle monster. Sometimes he will giggle at something that I say that I didn’t intentionally mean to be funny. I also had him in kindergarten and I remember thinking, “Does this kid really think I’m that funny?”  I’m glad he thinks I am though – what a day brightener. He lags around when the recess bell rings just to make sure I might possibly let him stay inside and hang out instead of going to recess. He LOVES math and would probably do it all day if I let him. I’m so glad that he actually listens to my math lessons. This year in math has been a challenge!  So thankful that I get to be his teacher again! I’m thankful for him!

Charlize (Charlie) – There are not enough nice things to say about this girl. She is just amazing! I was so impressed with her when I was her kindergarten teacher and now as her 2nd grade teacher I am glad she hasn’t changed. She is a hard worker, a kind and intelligent girl who is always willing to help others. When she talks, whether it’s reading or just talking she goes into super speed, I enjoy listening to her chatter on.  I’m so thankful for her!

Kinzy (Kinz) – This girl is one in a million! She strives to do her best in everything that she does and if her best isn’t good enough she may get upset. She has such a kind, sweet spirit and is such a great friend to everyone in class. She LOVES to chat with me and could probably entertain me with stories and questions all day long if I would let her. She is a treasure and I’m so thankful that she was able to be in my class this year. I’m thankful for her!

Camron (Cam or a.k.a. Justin Bieber J) – This young man is new to Melba this year and I have to say I am glad that he was placed in my classroom. We had a few months where we were getting used to each other but now that we’ve found our groove we get along great! I am very impressed with how quickly he is learning and he tries to be Mr. Funny Man in class. I’m so glad that he is willing to work hard, and I can’t wait to see how much more he will learn this year. I’m thankful for him!

KeyLee (Kiwi) – What a helper!!! This girl will literally jump out of her seat to help someone or do something for me, even without me asking her to. She is pure joy and is one of the happiest kids I’ve ever met. She smiles ALL the time, is kind and polite to all her classmates, enjoys laughing and goofing off and works hard when she’s supposed to focus! I’m so thankful for her!

Manuel (Manny) – This sweet boy is one of the most quiet, calm and polite kids I’ve ever met. He sits sweetly in class, participates when he’s comfortable, is always on task and does his best to make sure I’m pleased with him. He will help anyone at anytime and is kind to everyone. His smile makes my day that much brighter! So thankful for him!

Diego (D or “Go Diego Go!)  - This young man is so much fun! He constantly tries to trick or scare me – once by hiding underneath ALL of the backpacks and then jumping out (almost got me there). He is a treasure of a kid – polite, kind, respectful, hard worker, friend to everyone. I know I can count on him for anything! I’m thankful for him!

SO – now that you are ALL jealous that you don’t get to spend your days with these amazing 22 students you can see how thankful I am to have them be a part of my life this school year. I think about them, worry about them, work on how I can be a better teacher for them ALL the time! I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving!!!!

Thank you for blessing me with your children – I’m thankful for you (the parents) as well! All you do to help your child at home makes my job at school that much easier! You are truly appreciated!




Happy Halloween!!!!

Happy Halloween - a bit late :) I had a lot more pictures but my blog is experiencing some uploading difficulties and until I have it figured out the pictures will be at a minimum.

My cowboys

Siblings joined in the fun!

My class!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Red Ribbon Week

My students and I always look forward to Red Ribbon Week. We enjoy dressing up each day, making poster and decorating doors. I think it's a great way to discuss Drug Awareness with our students. Unfortunately I was unable to be at school on Thursday (crazy hair day) so I did not get a photo of that but here are a few pics of our week:

Pajama Day

Wear all red day

Superhero Day

Monday, November 12, 2012


I'm so sorry I haven't posted anything lately. I've been meaning too - it's just that my computer at home is having difficulties with my blog page (arggg!!!!) and then I am waiting on permission from a parent to see if I can post groups pictures of us on Halloween. So - - - with that said, I'm hoping to update and post more in the next few days.

I want to also say a quick thank you for all of those who donated food items for the senior center during red ribbon week. My class did not win the party but we did end up collecting a few boxes full of food. And they were very grateful - so THANK YOU!!!!

And the "mystery" pet has been purchased and is quietly residing in our home right now. So excited to share him with my students, hopefully he will make his appearance on Thursday :) Fingers crossed!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

A few things for the few that read this ........

Let's Explore:

We have begun a new reading unit called "Let's Explore". During this unit our class will be learning about different aspects of nature. Please feel free to let your child bring in as many artifacts of nature as they can. We already have an assortment of rocks, leaves, pill bugs, a black bettle as well as a dead tarantula.


Next week is Red Ribbon Week so don't forget to adorn your kiddos in their coziest jammies for Monday. And the rest of the week is as follows:

Tuesday: wear lots of red
Wednesday: dress as a superhero
Thursday: crazy hair day


We need your food items for a food drive we are participating in. And we only have 1 week to collect so dust off your cans and send them to school. The winning class will have a root beer float party!

Thing 1 and Thing 2

Onto pet's #3 & #4. I decided to give the goldfish a rest - so we have frogs - two of them. They are african dwarf frogs and they are soooo great to take care of because they live in the water just like fish, coming up for air only. They are really fun to watch! I significantly named them Thing 1 and Thing 2 - due to the fact that they reside in our Dr. Seuss reading corner.

NEW PET UPDATE: The new pet has been approved and reserved. Revealed approximately December - January depending on a few scenerios. So excited!